Mark your calendar so as to have a look at my website, starting April 25th, 2015 !
Because, surprise, surprise, to celebrate the 10 years that have elapsed since my 2005 pilgrimage, I will start a new pilgrimage for Compostela on April 27th, 2015. On the 25th of April, I will explain to you the reasons for this pilgrimage. On the 26th, I will give you show you its preliminary concept. And on April 27th I will begin my first stage from Morestel in the the Isère department of the Alpine region of France called Dauphiné. From that village, for the most part, my stages towards Spain will be pretty much the same as they were 10 years ago. But the account of them quite different, I promise !
It will be a different pilgrimage, triggered by another pilgrim, Guy Trainar, whom you should get acquainted with through his book.
Voir: http://www.editions-baudelaire.com/product.php?id_product=1408
It will be a pilgrimage deep into my intimate self, with what I could not report during my first walk and what comes to me now, 10 years later, echoing what Guy wrote. I surely recommend to you his book D.I.E.U. Sauveguide ? (it's in French though, while my stages will be translated into English).
There will be easy stages and more difficult ones, but if you accept, join me on the road starting April 25th 2015. To read the Prologue, click on the word Prologue in the margin here on the right on this screen (under the turquoise colored CAMINO 2015 title). To read the Stages and travel with me, click on the word Stages (under the turquoise colored title CAMINO 2015 in the margin here on the right). Once on the Stages screen, click on the Stage 1 line to read my notes of that day. Etc. Day after day. ... There will be about one page worth of notes per day, sometimes two... The English translation of the French original text will follow little by little, but maybe not as fast as the French text. Be patient, certain things are sometimes more difficult to say in one language rather that the other...
See you soon !