Extraits de lettres d’Ursule Novel baronne Angleys à ses enfants (1894-1925)


Excepts from the letters of Ursule Novel, baroness Angleys, to her children (1894-1925)


Edition in 6 books copyrighted, annotated and illustrated by Pierre X. Angleys
120 pages to each book, hence 720 pages total, format A4


Historical work about the correspondence of my great grand mother before, during and after 1st World War, from 1894 till 1925


(in French language only at this point)



Translated excerpts from the Preface:


"... I have arranged the collection of letters in chronological order so as to better understand the history of our family. Most of these letters were written by Ursule Novel who became a baroness following her marriage with Ferdinand, 2nd baron Angleys, in 1875. I have added the text of some postcards found in the ancestral home of Tournon - some had been written by other relatives - and also somme letters from a collection entitled "Memories form the 1914-1918 Great War". There you mostly find letters written from the trenches by Hippolyte Angleys, last son of Ferdinand and Ursule ... These collections of letters had been given to my father Maurice Angleys by his cousin Élisabeth Fraval de Coatparquet ... I especially thank my aunt Élisabeth for having open to me her archives..."

